Bhakti yoga. What is it?
A form and practice of yoga spent in devotion to spirit or source (insert your favorite deity).
The path of Bhakti yoga allows us to engage all our senses, emotions, and actions in devotion to express love within our daily interactions.
In turn, this service is offered back to a collective purpose. Alternatively, for those who are spiritual, this action can be dedicated as devotion to 'God'.
Achieving ‘union’ is the aim.
To yoke.
To unite.
This is yoga.
Aligning actions with source, and through reciprocity, our emotional investment generates a more authentic outcome.
Service work emanates from the heart, without the need to monetise or exploit for personal gain. Many already embody some form of this practice without using an official label to define who they are simply in action.
6 Pillars of Bhakti yoga:
Do not criticise yourself or others
Be more tolerant
Take no offense
Be quick to apologise
See the good in others immediately
Be grateful daily and keep track of your gratitude
I mean, there’s much more to explore here, but that’s the tip of the jagged iceberg. I'll admit I'm a daily offender of #1 and #5 on this list, but that's why yoga inspires me. It's a theoretical practice in dedication and service to self and others that keeps me focused on staying (mostly) kind.
Hello Friends and Networked Readers,
I hope you’ve smoothly sailed through a murky April and looking forward to calmer waters ahead. The astrology for May shows quite favourable transits working for us collectively.
Let us continue to set daily intentions that allow us to be kinder in our actions and service towards self and others.
Here’s what’s vibin’… (and what I’m sellin’)
Since you have been following my journey, and by trusting me while helping me grow in confidence, I’m offering at 10% discount on all my consultations for readers of this newsletter, and if purchased between now and until Summer Solstice, June 21st, 2024.
Services rendered by the end of 2024 and are covered more in depth on my website. I continue to grow my yoga & astrology brand, but not limiting my work to teaching yoga. I also offer one-off services like petsitting for the locals, as I use these opportunities in effort to 'communicate' with our four-legged creatures who in turn offer me routine, structure and discipline in a work-from-home capacity.
Please note I’m also growing my brand as a rookie writer. Mom blogger to self-published author is the path I've chosen to take. It ain’t an easy get-rich-quick scheme. Nor do I wish to get rich. Nor do I wish to publish or sell my work on mainstream platforms that feed back to legacy big corporate/big tech authorities. So, blogging for now is my preferred means of monetising.
In this manner I own my content, and by clicking of an icon can easily move it to another platform. This is important to me because…
I’ve written a book!
I am publishing a live, interactive memoir covering stories (not just mine) and offering impactful learnings.
I am a “mentally ill’ person advocating for mental health. I mean, who wouldn’t want to hear from this perspective!?
Given these past years of researching how to better protect our digital health, I'm happily serving in the role of a social media (de)influencer to help change and reform the way we use our devices and time spent online.
I am building a tribe! By sharing testimonies of significant life experiences and lessons with the focus on transformative wellness journeys. With an goal to unite a supportive virtual community operating as a global co-op, we aim to grow our professional networks, or fuel hobbies that inspire stronger (virtual) community bonds.
Not interested in my writings? Cool. Here’s how you can further support me:
SHARE MY WORK! Show your appreciation by means of validating and supporting my publications. This is a free & highly sustainable option that only involves social media engagement for algorithm boosts. I’m grateful for your support if you’re active online.
Have you worked with me as a test bunny while building my brand? Here’s a discounted promo for a 60-minute “mate rate’ consultation as a thank you! Message me directly, let’s discuss your current needs, and click below for your special promo link!
Looking to upgrade your personal brand and leverage an audience away from old social media patterns that not longer support your content? Recommend starting your own Substack! With this link we both receive small pay-backs in commission.
Let's get together soon over a chai latte! And please help to refer my work to others in your Network 😘
Check out my latest works of art:
Mercury is going direct, but continue to read the fine print until late April!
Did you pick up the themes behind this week’s transformative Full Moon?
Here’s arguably the most important astrological transit of 2024 ongoing until next year.
Speak soon and get some rest.
Namaste xx