Newsletter: Living Your Yoga & Events!
II. Navigating the vernal equinox, penumbral lunar eclipse & a new astrological year.
Happy Vernal Equinox and New Astrological Year!
As we enter the time of the equinox, I find myself reflecting on the notion of balance and its significance in our lives. The equinox marks a rare moment when light and darkness share equal prominence, serving as a reminder that balance is not always about achieving a perfect 50/50 split.
In the practice of yoga, a discipline deeply rooted in the pursuit of harmony, the concept of balance takes on a profound meaning. The word "yoga" itself stems from the Sanskrit word "yuj," meaning "to join, or to yoke" emphasising the union of seemingly opposing forces.
This notion resonates deeply within all elements of my yoga practice and extends into my role as a mother, friend, daughter, etc. Just as we strive to find balance between different parts of our bodies in yoga poses, we must also seek equilibrium in various aspects of our lives.
As the days grow longer, I encourage to take this opportunity for reflection. Consider areas of your life where balance may be lacking, and where attention is needed to restore harmony.
Happy to share in boosting motivation for these weeks ahead.
In my own journey towards balance, which remains difficult on my best days, I've compiled a list of spheres in my life that require careful attention. I share these reflections with you in the hope that they may resonate in contemplating your own pursuit of equilibrium.
May we all find balance in …
May this season of balance bring clarity and insight as we navigate the intricacies of life.
All my best xx
Here are current Live & Virtual Events
(Amsterdam local 🕐 mentioned)
🧘♀️ Monday 25 March 20.30-22.00/Monthly Rest & Restore FULL MOON 🌕 Yoga XL in Delft1
😂 Tuesdays 16.00-17.00 (online & free)/Power of Laughter Yoga2
💌 Friday 12 April 19.00-22.00/‘Date Nite’ in Delft3
Please find more info on these events in scroll below, and here are my latest publishings:
Living your Yoga: FREE meditation (and self-care moment) for beginners!
Latest ‘call-to-action’ plea and affirmation to the collective
Rest and Restore yin yoga XL is a reoccurring monthly extended lesson giving sanctuary for protecting emotional and behavioural health. We focus on providing mindful movement to help us relax.
Monthly, we offer this extended lesson on a Monday night in place of Audra’s regular yin-based R&R lesson. The focus is to stay in our supported poses longer. With gentle intentions applied, we can train the body to consciously rest in the subconscious.
The themes will tie into the pre-existing lesson content, meaning, best to have already attended a lesson with Audra first. Book your trial series if you’re new and come check it out! Price of ticket: €22,50 or exclusive for Womanhood Studio Unlimited card holders: Only €10.
Power of Laughter Yoga: Positivity – Optimism - Wellness – Empowerment – Resilience
A dear friend of mine hosts a free, online laughter hour periodically, on Tuesdays at 1600 Amsterdam local time. Guests can join on dates communicated in advance through her email list. The aim of ‘Laughter Wellness’ is to enhance and strengthen your personal POWER to help you live your best life.
To join this online support group where we role play with improv, you must be an existing yoga student of mine, otherwise, please first connect with me here.
‘Date Nite’ in Delft: Boomer BoyFriend and I are rounding up our youngest offspring and curating a Delft centrum cafe-crawl on Friday, April 12th. Pending the flavour of the crowd (max 10), we will find a place on a canal boat for bites, and later a terrace for drinks.
Anyone looking for a fun Friday night out, this event is for catching up with faces of the past while meeting new ones of the future. Somewhere in between, I hope to meet you in the present!
Older kids are welcomed to join and we are happy to include other couples, or singles okay with being independent. Relax! It’s only a social moment to intentionally connect with a sense of community.
Costs are for your own account and schedule here with me BY 7 APRIL so I can arrange a table in time. My home is too small to host a housewarming party, so this is the next best option. Looking forward to catching up with friends in Delft!